Life is what you make it!

Life is what you make it!
This picture of my sons girlfriend sums it all up for me..

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day of 2009

Today is the last day of 2009. Can't say I'm sorry to see it go. I am looking forward to 2010 and getting out of debt.
We spent the day today organizing our "school room.” Tables that once held everything from schoolwork to laundry to miscellaneous ridiculousness are now cleared off and two have been put away. All my coupons are sorted into coupons for sale on Ebay and for giving away to friends. Laundry done and put away. Even all the video game paraphernalia has been organized and put into containers.
Chore charts still need to made (I'll do that before bed.) We have never had them before. I guess we never thought we needed them. In the past, I ask the kids to do something and they do it. This arrangement has, however, left me feeling more like a foreman and less like a wife and mom. I also wonder if it will create children who don't notice things need doing or fixing until it is pointed out to them. I mean, how do they not see that the trash needs emptying or their laundry is all over the floor? Maybe it's a learned over time thing? Time will tell I guess.
I think we are going to also implement allowances. They will however not be based on chores. I feel chores are part of living in the family. Allowances, I hope, will help them budget their money. We will just need to decide on how much they receive and how much they will save versus spend. They don't have anything they need to spend money on, but in the off chance they are invited to the movies or bowling, they can spend their own money.
I'll let you know how thhis all goes in my next post.